If this group did not like our flavors, we knew we would hear about it.
We found vapers from all walks of life. The types of people who hold nothing back. Who notice when you miss a spot and then tell you all about it. No holds barred. We knew that we had to be ready.
The carefully assembled Freeman focus group arrived to test our juice. They told us that our coffee was 2 degrees too cold because of course, they did! Perfect. Our testers are perfectionists, just like we are.
This process was repeated several times until our e-juice flavor recipes were fine-tuned and ready. Until all of the right notes were hit in complete harmony. Then and only then were we confident to put our Freeman label on the top vape juice flavors in the business. None of our vape juice flavors is released until it is tested, tested, and tested again. It takes months to go through the process but that is the only way to do it right.

Vape Juice Brands
Many vape juice brands farm out their production. For example, they will ask an e-juice manufacturer to make them a strawberry vape flavor. Then they charge $15 or $20 for 30 ml! Well, they don’t know the recipe or anything! They basically sell someone else’s e-liquid and just put their label on it. Farm out our vape juice flavors? Put that in the “not gonna happen” category.
Not at Freeman.

ISO-8 Facility
Freeman Vape Juice was not about to put our fate in someone else’s hands. We have our own e-liquid lab. State of the art, highest quality standards, and staffed by passionate vapers who are also degreed chemists. Top professionals. We don’t have to rely on anyone else’s vape flavor recipe. We perfected our own. Having our own lab allowed us the luxury of infinite trial and error. Nothing is rushed. Creating the best vape juice flavors has been a collaborative effort and it has made all the difference.

The conventional path chosen by other vape juice brands is certainly not the path we chose to take. Front and center in our mind are those demanding vapers who want something more. Something more than average or convention. Freeman is propelled by an independent spirit. We go big in every way. Our 120 ml e-liquid is not only made to the highest standards but we believe in big production and pass the big savings over to you.
Freeman has assembled the best vape juice flavors and arranged them into combinations of delicious will mesmerize your vaping flavor experience. If you look at our vape juice flavors chart, you will see that we have utilized 19 different flavors into nine brilliant e-juice recipes. Those 19 vape juice flavors are:



Peanut butter





Rice pudding

Crunchy cookie






Mint chip




Now that is an all-star lineup of flavors. We have used these flavors as the building blocks of our craft vape juice blends. Flavors better, working together!
The beauty of Freeman flavors is the authenticity. We do not have to disguise our flavors behind a facade of saccharine sweetness. A lot of e-liquids simply amp up the sugar to disguise a vague flavor. Then after you vape, you feel the granules on your tongue like you’ve been sucking on a sugar cube. Like putting salt on a piece of leathery steak. With Freeman vape juice, the vape flavor is authentic and genuine. Revel in the crisp vapor flavor on the inhale and enjoy the smooth pleasure on the exhale. You can’t fake awesome. You can just be awesome. Our flavors pop.
Shop with us today and taste the difference!
Tobacco Vape Juice Flavor

Freeman Trail Blazer is the best tobacco vape juice flavor on either side of the Rockies. First, you start with the most authentic tobacco e-liquid flavor. Most tobacco flavors generally taste like some combination of feet and something burnt. Yah, not good. On the other hand, Freeman’s tobacco flavor is inspired by freshly dried tobacco leaves. Nothing burnt. Just fresh, earthy tobacco. That’s where we started but not where we ended up. To craft the best tobacco vape juice flavor, we knew it would require some conventions to be ignored. We added peanut butter and butterscotch flavor to compliment the earthy tobacco flavor tones. Trailblazer is for tobacco lovers looking to forge a new path. Very authentic, earthy complimented by a nutty density, and perfectly accented with a touch of butterscotch. Harmonious.
BUY NOWMenthol Vape Juice Flavor

Freeman Icebound is our alpine champion menthol vape juice flavor. It all begins with a sharp, crisp menthol. A true authentic menthol e-juice flavor. Then we jazz it up with mixed berries. Our berry flavor is inspired by rip blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. A berry vape juice blend that is a harvest of flavor. To top it all off, watermelon flavor. The end result is an indulgence of cool vapor refreshment. We could have opted for a stand-alone menthol e-liquid flavor like everyone else. But we don’t care what everyone else does. We care about awesome. That’s it. The cool fruit e-liquid flavors make menthol marvelous!
BUY NOWFruit Flavor Vape Juice

Fruit flavor vape juice is at the top of millions of vaper’s “favorites” list. Freeman Jungle vape juice is a bold combination of three of the best fruit flavored e-liquids on this or any other planet. Inspired by the bounty of life teeming in as yet unspoiled jungles. Untouched by concrete construction or rule. Where politics is meaningless. Where freedom is a spiritual endeavor. You can’t have a spectacular fruit flavor vape juice without the number one ingredient that Freeman demands of every bottle that goes out our door. The primary ingredient is authenticity. You can fake sweetness but you can’t fake authentic fruit e-liquid flavoring. Freeman Jungle vape juice is a harmonious cooperation of amazing vapor conducted by three essential fruit treats. A three-part symphony if you will. Featuring kiwi, strawberry, and banana.
BUY NOW!Kiwi Flavored Vape Juice

Just to be clear, kiwi flavored vape juice is inspired by the fruit, not the bird. The first time Europeans laid their eyes on a kiwifruit, they called it the Chinese gooseberry because of the taste. In 1962, farmers in New Zealand began calling it ‘kiwifruit’. When they started exporting kiwifruit to the United States in the mid-60’s, they simply called it kiwi. That’s the name that we know it best by today. When you take a look at a kiwi from the outside, you see a rough exterior. But on the inside is a soft, sweet fruit that is often melded with the tiniest touch or tart flavor. Freeman used a brilliantly real kiwi flavored e-liquid as part of our Jungle fruit vape juice.

One of the most popular vapes is strawberry flavored e-juice. The trick to nailing an out of the park strawberry vape juice is finding the perfect note. You do not want an overly, slovenly sweet strawberry. That’s too much. Fresh strawberries burst with that tell-tale strawberry flavor that is like nothing else. The freshly picked, juicy strawberries that we know and love.
That’s the difference with Freeman Vape Juice. We don’t stop until we perfect each and every flavor. Our strawberry flavored vape juice is a key part of Jungle, which is the best fruit e-liquid since sliced bread. Not sure if that totally makes sense but it sounds right. The point is, Freeman’s Jungle fruit vape juice blend is founded on a genuine strawberry flavor that is a must try. The thick, fulfilling vapor is sharp on the inhale, sweet and refreshingly smooth on the exhale.

As we have pointed out on numerous occasions, we do not monkey around when it comes to any of our flavors and that includes bananas! Our banana flavored vape juice captures the optimal banana flavor. You know, from the time when bananas are perfectly yellow and ripe. Peeled and enjoyed in their prime.
Making the ultimate banana flavored vape juice took a lot of time and trial but every time we came close and went back to the drawing board was worth it. Was worth the frustrations and disappointments. Because when we developed the perfect banana flavor that we were looking for, it was a true ‘eureka’ moment. Our banana flavored vape is the ideal topper to our dazzling Freeman Jungle fruit vape juice.
Puddings, tarts, cookies, pies, and more! Dessert flavor vape juices are a top of the charts hit! Freeman dessert vape juice flavors are ideal as a dessert vape and yet just understated enough to be an all day vape. Freeman offers four spectacular dessert flavors to delight vapers all over the world. Our dessert recipes are inspired by homestyle recipes that were the hit of every special occasion. The trick to an amazing dessert vape is to capture every aspect of the sheer indulgence while at the same time being measured and consistent for people looking for a dessert vape that is also a fantastic all-day vape. Freeman walks that line expertly. Genuine flavor, magnificent vapor. Let’s take a closer look at each of our four dessert vape juice flavors.

Freeman Homecoming vape juice is a strawberry sweet vape combined with the rich, creamy smoothness of rice pudding. Rice pudding is a unique flavor. Creamy and smooth yet with the baked confection dessert quality that has made it a family favorite for many, many generations. Balancing the flavor of right out of the oven rice pudding is the spot on strawberry e-juice flavor. The combination is spectacular. Homecoming strawberry and rice pudding e-liquid has quickly become a favorite. Freeman vape juice is of course known for a full-bodied vapor that is the envy of our competitors. And our flavors are amazing more and more vapers every single day.

A crunchy, delicious cookie topped with toasted coconut. How delicious does that sound? Freeman Cococaine is a cookie and coconut vape juice blend that completely nails that unbelievable straight out of the oven flavor. Remember fresh from the oven cookies? They made the whole house smell like an Italian bakery on a crisp summer morning in Milan. Freeman has played a little match-maker here. We introduced the best cookie flavored vape juice and the best coconut flavored vape juice. They instantly fell in love and eloped destined to be together! It’s very romantic. Cococaine e-liquid is a passionate, romantic joining of cookies and coconut. Vape it and share the passion!

Apple and caramel have formed a long-lasting flavor partnership that can only be called a true classic. Freeman Fall Spirit apple and caramel vape juice is a dessert e-liquid flavor that tastes like a caramel apple. Who can resist a caramel apple! The candied caramel crust with the nectar sweet apple flavor. Freeman Fall Spirit brings you that delectable candied apple vape juice flavor like no one else.

For those looking for a bold dessert vape flavor, look no further than Freeman Imagine. Imagine is a tart and lemon vape juice flavor. Yah, like a lemon tart! A pastry crunchy crust and a sweet, smooth, and tart lemon filling. Just like the lemon tarts from your favorite bakery or coffee shop. A quick, succinct hit of lemon magnificently mellowed by the flaky, melt in your mouth crust.

Icy cool, creamy smooth, and full of flavor. That is the absolute requirements for a milkshake. At Freeman, we do love us an awesome milkshake. Year round. And we have created two amazing milkshake vapes. Minted - Freeman vape juice cool mint flavor in 80 20 vg blend Freeman Minted is a particularly cool and creamy flavor. A mint chip milkshake treat that will hit your sweet spot every time.
Vanilla milkshake Vape juice Freeman 1885 revives the original vanilla milkshake recipe. The authentic vanilla flavor that you only get direct from the vanilla bean. Good vanilla is sharp and pronounced.