Surgeon General Declares Youth Vaping Epidemic | Freeman Vape juice

Surgeon General Declares Youth Vaping Epidemic

The Surgeon General of the United States has declared youth vaping to be an epidemic. Dr. Jerome Adams declared that the US needs to take action to prevent teen electronic cigarette looks. There has been a noticeable increase in teen vaping in the last year, specifically using JUUL devices.

JUUL has taken several steps to decrease teen access including limiting flavors and changing flavor names. In addition, JUUL, which is already a corporate giant, may be planning to take on tobacco giant Altria as a partner. Altria has expertise in navigating the regulatory landscape. In other words, they have a lot of lobbyists.

The major corporations are driven by achieving market share. Independent vape companies like Freeman Vape Juice are independent American companies that have no affiliation with big tobacco. We do not sell or market to minors and we support preventing teen vaping. In our view, vaping is for adult tobacco consumers only.

Back to the Surgeon General. Dr. Adams has recommended the following steps be taken:

  • Parents and educators need to understand vapor products and talk to their children about the risks.
  • Health professionals should ask patients about electronic cigarettes when screening for tobacco use.
  • Local authorities should ban indoor vaping in public and ensure age restrictions for retail purchases.

If any parents or teachers have any questions about vaping devices or other products, Freeman would be happy to assist. Contact us at

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